October 7 2013 8:00 PM
President and Board of Trustees
Village of Arlington Heights
| | | | | | | | | The Village Clerk called the roll with President Hayes and the following Trustees responding: Rosenberg, Blackwood, Sidor, Farwell, Glasgow, Tinaglia and LaBedz.
Trustee Scaletta was absent.
Also present were Village Manger Bill Dixon, Assistant to the Village Manager Diana Mikula, Assistant Village Attorney Robin Ward, Director of Planning and Economic Development Charles Perkins, Public Works Director Scott Shirley, Building & Health Services Director James McCalister, Engineering Director Jim Massarelli and Village Clerk Becky Hume. | | | |
| | | | | | | |  | | A. | Village Board 09/16/2013 | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Joe Farwell moved to approve. Trustee Robin LaBedz Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | B. | Committee of the Whole 9/16/13 | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Mike Sidor Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | V. | APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE | | | |
| | | | | | | |  | | A. | Warrant Register of 9-30-2013 | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Joe Farwell moved to approve the Warrant Register dated 9/30/2013 in the amount of $2,077,782.81. Trustee Thomas Glasgow Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | VI. | RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS | | | |
| | | | | | | |  | | A. | Recognition of Mariano's of Arlington Heights as recipient of the 5th Annual Disability Employment Awareness Award | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Ryan Danzinger, Chair of the Commission for Citizen’s with Disabilities presented Mariano’s the 5th Annual Village Disability Employment Awareness Award. President Hayes presented the award to Ken Syzmanski and Neil Juarez of Mariano’s. President Hayes said that Mariano’s is a great community partner that enhances the business community and the quality of life in Arlington Heights. Mr. Syzmanski said they have 400 employees and that the people with disabilities have the most longevity, have grown with the business, and often receive promotions/additional responsibilities. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | VIII. | CITIZENS TO BE HEARD | | | |
| | | | | | | | | David Lim 400 North Windsor Dr. said he has constant flooding in heavy downpours in front of his home. A bigger catch basin was installed in front of his home a few years ago. Debris gets stuck in it, so it often does not work. There is a dip in the grade in front of his house so his parkway and driveway flood. He has left messages for Mr. Musinski and Mr. Shirley in Public Works. Mr. Musinski told him that he would ask Engineering to look at re-grading the street. Mr. Lim spoke with Mr. Massarelli spoke with a few years ago regarding flooding. Recently, Mr. Lim requested a street sweeper to come to clear the debris in front of the catch basin and one came right away, however a leaf stain is now on the driveway. President Hayes said staff will follow up with Mr. Lim. | | | |
| | | | | | | |  | | A. | Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of October 7, 2013 - Consideration of recommending to the Liquor Commissioner the issuance of a Class "A" Liquor License to Bistro Dragon, Inc., dba Bistro Chen, located at 10 E. Miner St. (formerly Chen's Restaurant) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Joe Farwell moved to recommend to the Liquor Commissioner the issuance of a Class “A” Liquor License Bistro Dragon, Inc. dba Bistro Chen located at 10 E. Miner St. Trustee Thomas Glasgow Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | B. | Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of October 7, 2013 - Interview of Karen VanLandeghem for Appointment to the Board of Health | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | President Hayes administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Van Landeghem. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Carol Blackwood moved to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Karen Van Landeghem to Board of Health with a term ending 4/30/16. Trustee Mike Sidor Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | C. | Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of October 7, 2013 - Interview of Janet Harlow for Appointment to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | President Hayes administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Harlow. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to concur with the Mayor’s appointment of Janet Harlow to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission with a term ending 4/30/16. Trustee Robin LaBedz Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | This Agenda consists of proposals and recommendations that, in the opinion of the Village Manager, will be acceptable to all members of the Board of Trustees. The purpose of this Agenda is to save time by taking only one roll call vote instead of separate votes on each item. Consideration of this Consent Agenda will be governed by the following rules and procedures prior to roll call vote:
1. | Any Trustee who wishes to vote "no" or "pass" on any Consent Agenda items should so indicate. | 2. | Upon the request of any one Trustee, any item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately after adoption of the Consent Agenda. | 3. | Citizens in the audience may ask to remove any item on this Consent Agenda. | 4. | One roll call vote will be taken and will cover all remaining Consent Agenda items. |
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| | | | | | | | | | A. | Fire Department Burn Tower Renovation - Contract Award | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | B. | EAB Parkway Ash Tree Removal 2013 | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | C. | Paver Brick Removal and Replacement 2013 | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | D. | McDonald Creek Emergency Water Main Replacement | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | E. | Asphalt Restoration Services | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | A. | An Ordinance Amending Planned Unit Development Ordinance Numbers 78-019 and 01-041, Granting a Special Use Permit and Variations from Chapter 28 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code
(Camelot Park, 1005 E. Suffield Drive, addition and renovations) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve 13-050. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | B. | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 28 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code
(Section 14.2-5, Design Review Process) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve 13-051. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | C. | A Resolution Approving an Agreement for Court Reporter Services
(Arlington Reporting Services, local prosecution traffic court calls) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve R13-028. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | D. | An Ordinance Designating One-Way Stop Streets
(Southbound Dale to stop for Lillian; southbound Rolling to stop for Lillian; eastbound Sherwood to stop for Dale; northbound Dale to stop for Lillian) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve 13-052. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | E. | An Ordinance Prohibiting Parking
(East side of Fernandez Avenue between Ladd and Norman Streets) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve 13-053. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | A. |
Board/Commission Member Term Reappointment Ending Arlington Econ. Alliance Regina Schlamp 4/30/16 Arlington Econ. Alliance Gary Skiba 4/30/16 Youth Commission Chyrel Moore 4/30/16
Board/Commission Chair Term Reappointment Ending Plan Commission Michael Wolfe 4/30/14 Environmental Commission Michael Wilder 4/30/14 Housing Commission Siobhan White 4/30/14
| Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | CONSENT REPORT OF THE VILLAGE MANAGER | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A. | Budget Amendment; 2013 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | | A. | Arlington Downs - Preliminary & Final Plat of Resubdivision 3400 W. Euclid Ave. PC13-019 | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | James Henegan of Ruben, Firsel and Ross represented the request for a re-subdivision of the Arlington Downs project. He said three of the five lots have multiple owners, and they are requesting a minor re-subdivision of lots 1, 2 and 4 to make lot lines correspond with the ownership of the property. He said this does not change the ownership or the development. Trustee Farwell said the property is semantically changing so that ownership is in agreement with the land and clarified that the lots will be renamed. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Joe Farwell moved to approve. Trustee Jim Tinaglia Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | B. | Report of the Building Code Review Board Meeting of September 18, 2013
Proposed code amendment language to Section 23-302 R309.1(c) of the Village Code related to minimum garage dimension requirements. | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Mr. Dixon said the Building Code Review Board (BCRB) met September 18, 2013 and unanimously recommended approval of a modification to section 23-302 R309.1 of the Municipal Code. In addition, upon review of the BCRB’s action, staff suggested some clarifying language to the motion. The members of the BCRB reviewed the language, were independently polled and they concurred with the language refinements. Mr. McCalister explained that the minimums are for newly constructed garages only not to existing garages.
Trustee Tinaglia said this will truly assist residents looking to improve their existing garages. These structures may not meet new garage standards; often all the resident wants to do is add on to an existing garage. It is an appreciated change as now they will not have to ask for a zoning variation.
Trustee Glasgow said the reasoning was sound.
Trustee Rosenberg asked if a resident could put up a second garage on their property in in addition to their existing garage. Mr. McCalister said that the new garage would have to meet all the applicable sections of code because it would be new construction. A resident would be able to build it, but would have to meet the setbacks and the minimum garage dimensions required for new construction in the Code.
Trustee LaBedz said she was glad staff added the additional language in regards to the interior dimensions as it helped clarify the issue. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve. Trustee Bert Rosenberg Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | C. | 2020 E. Northwest Highway Waterman Avenue Access PC#13-015 | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Nick Papanicholas, George Demarakis and Steve Corcoran were present on behalf of the development. Mr. Papanicholas said that safety was an issue at the 2020 E. Northwest Highway development that opened a year and a half ago. There is internal congestion which, they believe, is causing a safety problem. They are requesting and additional entrance/exit on Waterman to alleviate the circulation problem. Mr. Corcoran, the traffic engineer, said that the original project was built without access to Waterman but people keep driving down the alley behind the project thinking it’s an entrance, even though there is a large sign saying that the alley is not an entrance. People pull in and out of the alley. This is negatively affecting the neighbors. People want to enter the shopping center off of Waterman. The way the situation is today, more traffic is flowing onto Waterman than is necessary as people drive around the block to get into the center.
Trustee Glasgow said he is concerned with allowing a Waterman entrance when the Northwest Highway project is not yet complete. He said the area will look completely different once the road work is finished and noted that the traffic counts will change. He said he would like a traffic study completed before changing the entrances. He said he does not want to create unforeseen problems and said he doesn’t have enough information to make a decision yet. He noted the escrowed monies for a traffic light at the intersection and said he would like to see if a light is needed before another access is granted.
Mr. Papanicholas said he was truly worried about safety, he further explained the current traffic flow issues. He noted the speed at which cars are traveling coming off of Northwest Highway as other cars are trying to get into the right hand lane to exit the complex. He said because of the swim school, children are in the lot. He said with winter coming, snow and ice will only make the problem worse. He reiterated his request for relief on the traffic circulation problem. He said he was trying to be proactive.
Mr. Corcoran said a left turn lane will come into the Shopping Center off of Northwest Highway after road construction is complete and showed the new traffic flow of the area whereby Gregory will be closed off to cars trying to turn left from Northwest Highway.
Trustee Tinaglia said the site is very uncomfortable because of the narrowness. He said the main entrance should be at least 36’ wide and it is only 24’ wide. He noted that people are already turning down Waterman expecting to get in, the traffic is already going there and it’s a natural idea that an access would be there. He said a driveway off Waterman is a good idea and should have been there in the beginning. He suggested that the entrance move as far north on the property as is possible to improve traffic flow through the drive through. The dumpster could be relocated. He said he was in support of the change.
Trustee LaBedz said she was also in support of the added entrance. She said intuitively, there should be an entrance on Waterman and that even though she knew it wasn’t there, she wanted to enter at that point on a recent visit. The sign can be missed as it will be dark a dinnertime in the winter. She said more traffic counts or more time might not make a difference as to how people use the site. She noted that in looking at the full site plan there is too much crossing of paths and that it would be much easier and safer to exit on Waterman. She asked for clarification on the authority of the potential stop light. Mr. Dixon complemented the developer on transforming the property into this shopping center and for their ability to get it occupied. He explained said that the State controls the road and that certain numbers and standards (warrants) must be met for a light to go in. Trustee LaBedz said she supported making the change.
Trustee Rosenberg clarified that the proposed access on Waterman would have full access without limitations. He asked Mr. Massarelli to explain what the roads will look like when Northwest Highway is complete. Mr. Massarelli said that there will be left hand turn lanes for the shopping center and onto Waterman. The double yellow lines that are there now will go away. Trustee Rosenberg asked if the intersection will have enough demand for a traffic light. Mr. Massarelli said that the area may generate additional traffic at Waterman that would help to achieve that goal. He suggested waiting until spring to perform the traffic analysis as it takes a while for traffic to adjust to new situations. Summer poses a different traffic scenario as school is not in session, but the outdoor pool next to the shopping center will be open. He said he is unsure which scenario would generate more traffic. To merit a light, the State considers traffic counts and accident history.
Trustee Blackwood concurred with Trustee Tinaglia saying that the widening of the Northwest Highway entrance should be increased to 36’ wide. She also agreed that the dumpster location should be changed to accommodate the entrance on Waterman to be as close to the northern property line as is feasible. She said that the signage should be very clear how to get to the drive-thru.
President Hayes said he was concerned that an entrance too close to the alley would be confusing. Mr. Papanicholas agreed saying it isn’t good to have two driveways next to each other. The entrance and alley should be very distinct. Mr. Papanicholas said he understood the traffic light issue, but it is not within their control. He said he wanted to focus on the safety issue now.
Trustee Blackwood said she encouraged the move of the dumpster. The driveway may not be exactly adjacent to the alley, but should be as close as is reasonable. Mr. Papanicholas said some of the landscaping might be compromised, but they would work with staff to find a solution.
Trustee Sidor asked for the developers to be mindful of confusion regarding the entrance of the drive-thru as people might inadvertently end up in the drive-thru lane when they actually want to park and dine in the restaurant. He asked for clear signage to delineate directions to customers. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Jim Tinaglia moved to approve a driveway at the 2020 E. Northwest Highway Development to provide access to Waterman Ave. with encouragement to place the driveway farther north and for the developer to agree to a traffic signal, if warranted, at Waterman and Northwest Highway. Trustee Robin LaBedz Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | A. | An Ordinance Approving a Preliminary Plat of Resubdivision
(Arlington Downs Two Resubdivision, 3400 W. Euclid Avenue) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve 13-054. Trustee Jim Tinaglia Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | B. | A Resolution Approving a Final Plat of Resubdivision
(Arlington Downs Two Resubdivision, 3400 W. Euclid Avenue) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve R13-029. Trustee Jim Tinaglia Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | |  | | C. | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 23 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code
(Section 23-302 Modification of Illinois Residential Code Section R309.1c, Floor Surfaces, Separation of Structures and Minimum Dimensions) | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to approve 13-055. Trustee Joe Farwell Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | XV. | PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS | | | |
| | | | | | | |  | | A. | Remarks from Trustee Thomas Glasgow pertaining to possible impact of Emerald Ash Borer disease on reliability of electrical service | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Glasgow said he attended a meeting with ComEd regarding the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and the reliability of electrical service. He said that many dead trees are on private property. Falling branches on power lines during storms can affect power service. He said that ComEd trims trees every 4 years to encourage growth away from power lines, but it is property owners’ responsibility to remove dead trees. Until the smart meters are installed in in 2015/2016, ComEd cannot tell if individual homes have a power outage. He encouraged residents to link their phone numbers to their power account on the ComEd website www.comed.com/customer-service/outage-information so residents can send ComEd power outage information. This action gets ComEd the information faster so they can fix outages more quickly. He also recommended residents check www.comed.com/customer-service/service-request/trees-powerlines in regards to tree trimming and other power outage issues.
Trustee Farwell said the Village Board will be attending training for elected officials in addition to their three Committee-of-the-Whole meetings and two Village Board meetings this month. He also noted that Bisto Chen on 10 East Miner (the former site of Chins) is open, and offers a dim sum Sunday brunch created by a chef specially hired for this purpose.
President Hayes thanked the Special Events Commission for putting on a quality family event, the Autumn Harvest, this past Saturday. He thanked all the dedicated volunteers for their hard work in planning and executing events that increase the quality of life in the Village. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | XVI. | REPORT OF THE VILLAGE MANAGER | | | |
| | | | | | | |  | | A. | Request for Closed Session per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21): Discussion of minutes lawfully closed, whether for purposes of approval of the minutes or the semi-annual review of the minutes
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5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11): Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the Village has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the Board finds that an action is probable or imminent | Approved | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Trustee Thomas Glasgow moved to adjourn to Closed Session at 9:19 p.m. Trustee Joe Farwell Seconded the Motion.
The Motion: Passed Ayes: Blackwood, Farwell, Glasgow, Hayes, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Sidor, Tinaglia.
Absent: Scaletta.
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| | | | | | | | | Persons with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, such as an American Sign Language interpreter or written materials in accessible formats, should contact David Robb, Disability Services Coordinator, at 33 S. Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005, (847)368-5793 (Voice), (847)368-5980 (Fax) or drobb@vah.com. | | | |